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The Yorkshire Shetland Sheepdog Club

Founded 1976

        Welcome to the Adult Sheltie Register

The register is open to *MEMBERS ONLY* and covers all areas.  
If you would like to include your adults on the register, please contact Mrs D Rowan 
Tel: 07712737658 or email deniserowan@sky.com


The cost of registering your Sheltie is £5 and this entitles you to an entry on the register for a maximum period of 12 weeks.  Advertisements will remain on the register for a period of six weeks from the date of insertion, after which time they will be removed unless Lesley is advised to run the advert for a further six weeks.  If you still require your entry to remain on the register after the 12 week period has elapsed, then a further payment of £5 will be required.  

Please make cheques payable to the Yorkshire Shetland Sheepdog Club and post direct to the Treasurer:
Mrs R. Smith, 140 Moseley Wood Gardens, Cookridge, Leeds, LS16 7JB

Please let Denise know when you have sold your Shelties so that she can remove them and keep the register up to date deniserowan@sky.com


  • The Yorkshire Shetland Sheepdog accepts no responsibility whatsoever for the accuracy of information supplied by the advertiser/seller of shelties being advertised on this website.

  • Dog owners/breeders/purchasers advertise and/or buy & sell dogs or arrange meetings/make contacts with advertisers/breeders found on this site at their own risk.  It is the buyer's full responsibility to verify the authenticity/reputability/history of the advertiser/seller/breeder and the status of their dogs/puppies.  

  • The Yorkshire Shetland Shetland Club is in no way responsible for the quality/health/history/nature of any dogs advertised and accepts no liability whatsoever for any occurrence arising as a result of advertising/buying/selling dogs advertised on this website.  

Adult Shelties Available

  Date of  Insertion  


  Date of Birth  
  Contact Debbie on 07775906689 or email her at theredwitch@msn.com (Sheltie Rescue)


