Officers of The Club

Hon Life Member: Mrs M. Stirling

President: Mrs Mary Glover Guest. Tel: 01845 577640
Chairman: Mrs Sue Tucker. Tel 01924 761884
Vice Chairman: Mrs Maureen Bywater. Tel: 01484 606638
Hon Secretary: Mrs Heather Bendelow. Tel: 07562 987304
Hon Treasurer: Mrs Sue Walker. Tel: 01609 770531
Trophy Secretary: Mrs E Dyson


 Mrs E. Dyson, Ms S. Froggett, Ms H. Fitz-Harris, Mrs G. Jacobs, Mr G. Jeavons (co-opted) Mr M. Miles, Mrs D. Schofield,
Mrs D Stones (co-opted), Miss L. Welford


Nominations for officers must be a serving committee member and have served at least one three-year term, save in exceptional circumstances.
All new nominations for Officer Position and Committee must bear:

a) the signature of the nominated member indicating their willingness to stand for election
b) the name, address, and signature of the proposing member. 

Additionally, all nominations must bear the name, address, and signature of a seconding member.

The Club is short of committee members and this puts a strain on the rest of the committee.  Please give this some serious thought and consider joining us. At present we have FIVE vacancies (two of which are filled at present by co-opted members).  Nominations for committee must have been a member of the Club for at least the previous three consecutive years.